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Discover our exceptional shooting with The Squadron (USA) in the Santa Marta favela in Rio de Janeiro, the famous setting for Michael Jackson's video clip. A unique moment, between breaking,...

During our last shoot, we had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with the legendary band The Squadron, who came straight from the United States, in a place full of history: the Santa Marta favela in Rio de Janeiro, famous for having served as the setting for Michael Jackson's video “They Don't Care About Us” . With B-Boy P-Nut, Prada G and Luigi, it was much more than a simple photoshoot. It was an encounter between common values: respect for culture, authenticity and sharing.

The energy in the alleys of Santa Marta was magical. Every movement captured reflected the essence of breakdancing: “Excel by doing it, do it your own way, and do it together.” But the most memorable moment was an unexpected encounter. Guided by a local, we came across a local barber. Touched by our approach, he asked us for a Skilz beanie. We gave it to him, and this simple gesture created a moment of pure emotion. His tears of gratitude left their mark on everyone.

This shooting is the essence of what we want to convey: clothes that tell a story, that of breaking, sharing and being yourself. Thanks to The Squadron, and to Santa Marta for this unforgettable moment.